Tales of the Marvel/DC Universe
"In Brightest Day and with Darkest Knight" part 3
Story and Script by: Richard Gutierrez
Green Lantern (slowly gaining consciousness, to self): Where am I? The last thing I remember was the Black Knight and myself had come across this really cool castle in the middle of nowhere. We had been transported to this…place by something and we where trying to check out what was going on. We walked into the castle and this…woman named Morgan Le Fey blasted us with some kind of strange bolt.*
*This happened last issue…where were you? GUTE*
Green Lantern; (out loud) Ouch! My entire body hurts! I’m sure that even my grandkids are going to feel this.
Green Lantern (turning around to try and locate the sound): Who’s there? Sir Wayne is that you?
Wolverine (stepping from the shadows): Take it easy, green boy. My friends and me have been here for awhile and we’re not known for our sense of humor.
Johnny Storm, a.k.a. Green Lantern, suddenly looks and is surrounded by several beings that seem to just ooze out of the shadows of the dungeon that they are in. Instinctively he channels his will power and uses his ring to create a large battering ram and slams into the beings.
Green Lantern: Stay away!
As he continues to slam the beings, he notices his powers start to fade…until the ring goes dead!
Green Lantern: What happened?
Wolverine: It looks like you ran out of juice. Now maybe you’ll calm down enough so I can talk to you.
Wolverine steps over to Green Lantern and sits down next to him.
Green Lantern: You weren’t going to kill me?
Wolverine: No, kid. My group and I have been here for sometime and just wanted to say hi.
That spicy red head over there is Jean. I introduce her first because she’s my wife and you’d do will to keep your hands off her. The little…
Jubilee: Don’t call me little!
Wolverine: Sorry…teenagers. Anyway that’s Jubilee. The patchwork looking thing in the corner is Metamorpho. The guy and girl over there are Obsidian and Jade. They’re brother and sister. The big silent one is the Russian Colossus and finally…
Nightcrawler: Mien Friend. I’ll introduce myself. I am the being known as Nightcrawler…
Nightcrawler (teleporting over to him):…pleased to meet you.
Green Lantern looks around and is stunned. He has never been even close to any beings with abilities. True there was the time that Wonder Man and Black Canary of the Fantastic Four showed up to visit his brother in law, Lex Luthor, but this is…awesome.
Green Lantern: Who are you people?
Jean Grey: We are called "The Outsiders". We are all either mutants or misfits that have banded together to help find a more peaceful co-existence.
Green Lantern: Hey, isn’t that like the "X-Men"?
The dungeon falls silent for want seems like an eternity.
Jade: Listen, that green ram you made looks like the stuff my dad used to make. What is your name?
Green Lantern (to self): Man, she’s gorgeous! (out loud) Green Lantern.
Obsedion: Liar! Our father is the one true Green Lantern! I will fight you for it!
Colossus: Calm down my young friend.
Green Lantern: Yeah! Some short blue guy named Ganthet gave me the ring and the name. Of course it doesn’t matter anyway…it seems the powers gone.
Wolverine: Jean…
With that Jean Grey uses her telepathy to peer into the young mind of Johnny Storm.
Green Lantern: Hey…cut that out!
Jean Grey: Your power is gone...at least for know. The ring has run out of energy. It needs to be recharged every 24 hours.
Green Lantern: How the…?
Jean Grey: The ring implanted this knowledge in your head. It also said that the "battery" is inside your belt. All you have to do is hold the ring to your belt and it will recharge.
Green Lantern: Oh, really? Well here it goes.
Johnny holds the ring to his belt and a flash of green energy engulfs the room.
Jubilee: I can make better fireworks than that.
Green Lantern: Cool! So does anyone know what’s going on?
Wolverine: We have all been captured by 3 of the most evil beings in the universe. They have placed us, and several others, inside several of these dungeons that are protected by various systems that make it impossible to escape.
Green Lantern: 3? The Black Knight and I only saw one.
The Black Knight (emerging from the shadows): That is true. We only saw Morgan Le Fey.
Metamorpho: Then you missed the headliners. The mutant gene doctor Mister Sinister and his master Darkseid.
Sinister…report your findings.
Mister Sinister: Yes…my lord. It seems that all the super powered beings that we have plucked from Earth all have some strange "meta-factor gene". It’s this gene that allows them to gain abilities. The only exceptions have been the ones called Green Lantern, the female Guardian from the Defenders, and Azrael. Their only abilities come from various gadgets or suits.
Morgan Le Fey: Very nice, Sinister. Now leave so our Lord and I can begin…consorting.
Darkseid: There will be plenty of time for carnal pleasures later. Now, you have been able to isolate this gene…when can we begin to merge it with my para-demons?
Mister Sinister: Very soon.
Darkseid: Very good. Very good, indeed. Come Morgan…let us retire to my chambers.
Mister Sinister (to self): Insufferable witch! Who does she think she is to dismissing me has if I were nothing but a lowly scientist! Bah! It was my idea to capture and test these humans to unlock their secrets. It should be me that reaps the whirlwind of its success.
Unseen by Sinister, a figure looks on from the shadows…and lightly chuckles to himself.
Reed Richards and Sue Luthor are sleeping quietly in each others arms after a night of passion that neither will soon forget. Unfortunately, neither will this man…
Lex Luthor (throwing a bucket of ice water on the couple): It’s wake up time.
The cold water instantly wakes them up.
Reed: What the…?
Lex Luthor: Yes my wife, it is I…your husband. I’ve come to find out why you are in the arms of this man, knowing that you will loss all your money…status…power that I gave you.
Sue: What are you talking about?
Lex Luthor (taking out a piece of paper from his coat): This my dear. This is a piece of paper that basically says that if you cheat on me…which you have…that you forfeit all…to me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a court date to make you the first ex-Mrs. Lex Luthor.
Lex then turns and leaves. The couple looks at each other for second.
Reed: Don’t worry Sue. We will fight him.
Sue: Don’t bother. There is no way we can beat him at his game.
Reed: Listen, I’ve got an idea. Let me call my friend Tony Stark and see what he can do. He’s financing my experiment in space/time travel. Wait…I’ve got a better idea. Hold on.
With that Reed runs over to the phone and dials like a madman. Across the country in Coast City Ca. At the home of pilot Hal Jordan…
Hal Jordan (slowly waking up): Yeah yeah I’m coming….Hello?
Reed: Hal? It’s me Reed. I need a favor.
Hal: Reed, it’s…3 in the morning! Can’t it wait a couple of hours?
Reed: Listen, I need you to call Tony’s wife Donna and tell her to meet you at the airport at 12 noon today.
Hal: What’s up?
Reed: Remember what we joked around about last week? Well, we go tomorrow night.
Hal: Are you sure?
Reed: Yeah. I’ll see you and Donna tomorrow.
Hal hangs up the phone and sits on the edge of the bed for a couple of minutes when a female voice calls to him…
Donna: Hal, baby, who was it?
Hal: It was Reed. He says we go tomorrow.
Donna: Really? Did he say why?
Hal: No. HMMMM…I bet it has to do with Sue. I wonder if "Mr. Fantastic" and her finally got together?
Donna: Enough about Reed…kiss me.
Hal leans down and kisses the beautiful Donna Troy-Stark.
Radioactive Man (banging on dungeon wall): Let us out of here!
Baron Zemo: Calm down. We have all been pounding away at this cell since we were brought here in the middle of a battle with the Titans.*
Cheetah: How can you be so calm. This "Masters of Evil" gig that you convinced me to join has been nothing but trouble! We get beat by the Avengers and thrown in jail. We escape and then almost lose to a bunch of kids.
Baron Zemo: I can be calm because I am a Zemo…and because I AM a Zemo, prepare to meet your death.
Baron Zemo and the cat-like Cheetah turn and are ready to do battle when…
Voice (from…somewhere): HAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is wonderful!
Mister Freeze: Who’s there?
Voice: Someone who is here to help you, your comrades, and your enemies escape.
Goliath: Our enemies?
Voice: Yes. Right now there are several heroes, along with yourselves, that are being held captive. I plan on setting you all free.
Baron Zemo: One question…why?
Voice: The answer is simple…survival of the fittest.
Suddenly down the hall
Jubilee: Hey look! The energy field just went down! We can escape.
Wolverine: Let’s go!
Jean: Logan, wait a minute. I sense someone…
Wolverine: Who?
Jean: Use the psychic bond we share to look into my mind. (whispers to Wolverine) There are some people here who couldn’t handle it.
Wolverine opens his mind to the bond that links him and his wife together and learns the truth behind their sudden release.
Wolverine: It doesn’t matter. He may be evil personified, but we can’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Move it people.
The massive Russian Colossus changes his body into steel and smashes the wall down.
Green Lantern: Wow! I’ll run point. May ring knows the way out.
As the group moves down the long dark corridors, they run into several other heroes who have also been released. The DEFENDERS (The mutant Cyclops, the clone of the original Superman, Superboy, the alien from another dimension Supergirl, the size-changing Atom, the light based hero The Ray, and the Ex-National heroine of Canada Guardian.
Jean (to self): Of all the people to run into, we have to run into my Ex-husband and his group. Please Logan, control yourself. It was a long time ago.
Wolverine (in Jean’s head): If he say anything to you I will gut him crotch to chin!
Cyclops sees Jean and Wolverine and quickly takes his team and heads down the corridor behind Green Lantern, Black Knight, and the Outsiders. As the heroes continue, they come around a corner and run into the Masters of Evil!
Baron Zemo: We are not here to fight you. We have been abducted also. We just want to return home.
The heroes stand around of a minute weighing options…then…the decision is taken out of their hands. The group is swarmed by what seems like thousands of Darkseid’s para-demons.
Darkseid: I don’t know who let you out but you will never escape. Para-demons attack!
The group engages the massive enemy.
Green Lantern (creating a baseball bat): I’ve never seen anything like this, but I love it! Whoa! Come on baby I got something right here for you.
Guardian (blasting away): Don’t get cocky. We are grossly outnumbered!
Metamorpho (transforming his body into steel, punching): The only thing gross here is me.
Supergirl (grabbing two demons and smashing them into a wall): I don’t think you’re so gross. You should see me in the morning.
Nightcrawler (multi-porting a demon): Now there’s an invitation if I’ve ever heard one.
From the shadow the mysterious benefactor laughs.
Cyclops (blasting demons, to self): We are winning for now but it seems that the more we defeat the more crop up. Man, Jean looks great. Look at her using her telekinesis the bash the enemy. I miss her more than I can say. I was such a fool when we where in the X-Men together. I let me eye wonder to a fellow teammate and had an affair. She left me and Wolverine stepped right in to fill the void.
The group continues to fight and are very close to winning.
Morgan Le Fey: This is unacceptable!! We were so close! Sinister, get out there and kill them!! Darkseid, don’t just stand there like a lump, do something!
Darkseid: Very well witch.
Darkseid slowly turns to Morgan a lets loose his "Omega Beams" and…
Morgan: Nooo…
She is gone.
Sinister: (with a slight snicker) What now my Lord?
Darkseid (hitting button his belt): I will return to Apokolips to plan for another day.
A BOOM tube opens behind Darkseid. He steps inside and is gone.
Mister Sinister: Coward!
Voice: HAHAHAHA! I see that your "allies" have abandoned you.
Mister Sinister: Who?
Voice: I see that you are a man of great ideas and convection. Join me and I will give things that two-bit alien could only dream of.
Mister Sinister: An intriguing offer. Show yourself and you have a deal.
Voice (stepping from the shadow): Very well.
Sinister looks as a massive frame steps from the shadow and he instantly knows who he is dealing with…and that his boasts are fact…the ageless mutant once known as Cable, but forever changed into Apocalypse.
Back on the battlefield…
The Ray (blasting demons): Take that…and that…and that!
Jubilee: These guys are weak. We are totally kicking their…
Green Lantern: Look!
Green Lantern points as a BOOM tube appears and sucks all the para-demons away.
The group sits around for a second not knowing what to make of the whole thing. Then…
Atom: Guys, while you where fighting I found the device used to bring us here. I was able to recalibrate it to send us home. Follow me.
Green Lantern (to self): This is great! I can’t wait to tell Sue that I fought alongside several of the Earth’s greatest heroes.
Jade: Excuse me Lantern?
Green Lantern: Yeah.
Listen, I was wondering…if you’re free when we get back…if I could get some…information from you…on how you got your powers and things?
Green Lantern: Oh Yeah!
The heroes head onto the strange platform of the machine and are transported…back to Earth.
Wolverine: Come on guys, let’s go back to San Fran before something else happens.
Cyclops: Good luck, Lantern. If you ever think about joining a team call us in Denver.
Green Lantern: Thanks. Hey, Jade are you ready for that…
Just then a familiar light lands in front of Johnny Storm and Jade. The little blue man named Ganthet materializes.
Green Lantern: Ganthet? What are you doing…?
Ganthet: There is no time. We must away.
With that, Ganthet and Johnny are gone.
Jade: What happened?
What happened indeed? Check out issue #4 where we see Galactus and his heralds attacking Daxam. We see the fateful flight of Reed, Sue, Hal, and Donna. Also, Doctor Doom…creates DOOMSDAY!!!!!
End of Issue #3
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