Tales of the Marvel/DC Universe
"In Brightest Day and with Darkest Knight" part 2
Story and Script by: Richard Gutierrez
The laboratory of Reed Richards the Earth's foremost mind on any and everything. If you don't believe me…just ask him. He is busy at work trying to perfect a new exterior coating for the spacecraft called Excelsior. The craft's mission is to try and pierce the fabric of space and time to allow journeys that would take several hundred light years, to now take a couple weeks. Reed is not the kind of man to admit defeat, but sometimes defeat is the one thing that can bring about success.
Reed (to self): Damn! I've been at this forever and I still can't figure out how to get the coating to withstand a steady bombardment of cosmic rays. What kind of scientist am I? What kind of man am I? If I can't get back the woman I love, what good is traveling to far off galaxies? Oh, Sue. I love you more than anything, but the fates took your father away and that…Luthor flew in and took you from me. I will get you back my dear. I will make you proud of me.
With that, the man the scientific community calls "Mr. Fantastic" dives headfirst into his work.
Black Knight (holding his ebony blade at Lantern's throat): Answer me now! Where did you come from and how did you get here?!?
Green Lantern (looking up stunned): I don't know how I got here, but I do know that I don't like blades pressed up against my throat.
Green Lantern uses his will to create a pair of salad tongs and picks up the Black Knight by the collar, holding him several feet off the ground.
Green Lantern: Now it's my turn to ask you a couple questions. Who are you and what's your deal?
Black Knight: I am Sir Wayne of Gotham and you are about to find out my deal.
The Black Knight takes his ebony blade and slices through the green energy construct, releasing him. The Black Knight lands on his feet and leaps at Green Lantern.
Green Lantern: What? How did you…ooofff!
The Black Knight tackles him and the two men roll down the hillside, landing hard against an outcropping of boulders. The two warriors slowly stagger to their feet.
Green Lantern (to self): Ok Johnny, this is crazy! Just yesterday my biggest worry was deciding which one of my many female followers I'd take out this weekend. Today, I've got to keep this manic in a "sardine can" suit from running me through with that creepy black sword of his. Wait a minute…(out loud) did you say that you are Sir Wayne of Gotham?
Black Knight: Yes I did. What of it?
Green Lantern: Do you mean Gotham City, just south of Metropolis and New York?
Black Knight: Yes.
Green Lantern:I went to the World Series between the Gotham Knights and The New York Mets. What a series! Hey, are you related to Bruce Wayne the billionaire industrialist?
The Black Knight sits in silence for several moments and then…sheathes his blade.
Black Knight: How did you come to be here in this barren place?
Green Lantern: I was just talking to my sister, Sue, and poof next thing I know I'm standing on the wrong side of that blade of yours. Oh, just in case I forget, that is the coolest sword I've ever seen. Does it have a name?
Black Knight (looking down at his blade): Not one that would mean anything to you. Come with me. It is getting dark and we will need shelter from the elements.
The two begin to head for shelter.
A frantic Susan Luthor races down the hall of her plush Manhattan suite.
Sue: Johnny! Johnny! Where are you Johnny?
She runs and runs, not paying attention to where she is going. She runs to the end of the hall and throws open two huge oak doors, barging in to find…
Lex Luthor: Sue! What is the meaning of this woman? Can't you see that I'm in the middle of a meeting?
Sue: Lex it's Johnny. We were talking and he started glowing and then he disappeared!
Lex Luthor (grabbing his wife by the hand and leading her back out the office): Now, now my dear it's okay. Excuse me a moment gentlemen, I'll be right back.
Lex takes Sue back into the foyer and closes the doors.
Lex (furious): What the HELL was that for! I don't care if the Avengers are here to personally lick my boots clean, don't you ever…EVER barge into a meeting of mine! Is that clear?
With that being said, Luthor turns and returns to his meeting.
Sue slumps to the floor and holds her head in her hands and sobs.
Sue (to self): How..did I let myself get caught up in this? Lex was so sweet at the beginning after my father died. I should have seen that all he wanted was my father's company. Well, I'm not going to sit here and take it! I'll go see the only man that I know who's always been there for me.
Green Lantern and The Black Knight have take up shelter in a cave in the side of a mountain. The Black Knight has started a fire.
Green Lantern: When do we eat? I'd kill right know for a Superburger and some fries. You know, come to think about it, I haven't seen another living creature since I got here.
Black Knight: I hunted them all so I could survive. I've been here for several weeks and you are the first person I've seen.
Green Lantern: Wait a minute. You hunted all the creatures. Listen buddy don't get any ideas about trying to eat me.
Black Knight: Your paranoia is unwarranted. I was on my way to check some puffs of smoke that I spied floating over the ridges when I ran into you. Now, we must get some sleep and be ready to begin searching in the morning.
Green Lantern: I'm not sleeping until you tell me how you got here.
Black Knight: Very well. As I've said my name is Sir Wayne of Gotham. I patrol the nights of the city in search of those that would do evil. It was late one night, I was on patrol trying to stop a petty crook named, Gambit.
Black Knight: Hold it right there, Remy. Your crime spree is over.
Gambit: I don't think so, mon ami. It's just getting good. Tell me do you play 5-card stud?
The thief known as Gambit pulls out a deck of cards and uses his mutant power to super-charge them with energy. He throws five at the Black Knight.
Black Knight (dodging the cards): No, I'm far more inclined to play chess
The Black Knight swings his ebony blade at Gambit and the master thief manages to get out of the way.
Gambit: Well then, you can appreciate my last move. You where not my target.
Black Knight: What?
The Black Knight turns around just in time to see the 5 cards explode against an adjacent building.
Black Knight: There are people trapped inside! I've got to get them out.
Gambit: You go and do that, hero man. I've gotten what I came for and I'll be on my way.
The Black Knight must choose to either help the people trapped in the building or to stop the thief. No contest.
Black Knight (to self): I'm just one man how am I going to save all those people? I must summon up the courage and remember what my old friend Alfred used to say, "One man can change the world. All he need do is try and by trying it effects change." Well old friend, let's see what this one man can do.
The Black Knight leaps through the flames, grabs a mother and daughter in his massive arms, and carries them up to the roof to escape the flames. It's too late, the flames have reached the roof and the trio is surrounded. The Black Knight calmly looks around.
Black Knight (yelling): Alfred, to me!
Then through the smoke and flames comes the sound of wings flapping.
Daughter (looking up): Look mama! A flying horsy!
The trio looks and sees a winged black stallion hovering scant inches from the raging inferno.
Black Knight: So good of you to show my friend. Now get us out of here.
The Black Knight places the little girl and her mother on the back of the Pegasus like creature. Then just as he is prepared to mount his steed and flash of light surrounds him and he is gone.
Black Knight: I do hope that Alfred was able to get the mother and daughter to safety. I hope that answers your question on how I got her. It seems to be very similar to yours.
Green Lantern: Your horse can fly…talk…and his name is Alfred? That's some special horse you got there.
Black Knight: I think you are mistaken. Alfred can't speak.
Green Lantern: But you just said that he told you that one man could make a difference.
Black Knight: That was a different…Alfred.
Green Lantern: Oh, he seems like a very smart man.
Black Knight: I'd…rather not say.
An uneasy silence falls over the two gentlemen as night slowly drapes the sky in this far, far away land.
The planet of Daxam sits peacefully rotating around its sun never knowing that a massively evil presence slowly makes its way toward them.
Ric-E: Daddy, Daddy!
Ric-D: Yes, son.
Ric-E: Look up in the sky! It's a silver-man! He's cool looking.
Ric-D, a member of the Daxamium Parliament, looks skyward and sees a silvery humanoid shaped figure streaking down toward the surface of the planet. The figure lands in the middle of one of the many meeting places and holds his arms outstretched as energy begins to crackle around him. He makes no sound has he fires a beam of energy into the ground at his feet.
Ric-E: Daddy, daddy! I'm scared! Make the shiny man stop!
Ric-D (flying at the figure): I don't know what you're doing but your scaring my son!
Ric-D punches him in the back of the head. The figure slowly turns, his eyes flaring with power.
Ric-D is stunned! Ric-D, like all Daxamites, has the ability to lift several tons, fly, and fire heat blast with their eyes. They are some of the most powerful beings in the universe, yet Ric-D's blow was little more than a bee's sting to the stranger. It has no effect, except to make the shiny figure mad!
The figure turns and grabs Ric-D by the throat.
Ric-E (running at his father): Let my daddy go!
The young Daxamite begins to pound on the figure's leg. Begging for him to release his father.
Ric-D (choking): Son..cough..cough..run! Go and get your uncle! Go…cough…cough..get Mon-El!
Ric-E: But dad!
Ric-D: Go!!
The young Daxamite turns and starts to run away.
Ric-D: Now monster…cough…who are you and…cough…what do you want?
The silvery figure pulls Ric-D closer and then throws him into a nearby building.
Silver Surfer: I am the Silver Surfer. I have traveled many miles in search of the perfect planet for my master to feed upon. I have found it. Your planet's natural power base is so strong, that my master's hunger will be sated for many a cycle. Know this, beings of Daxam, my master means you no harm. It is not personal. His need for energy is greater, in his mind, than your need to survive. Beware denizens of this planet...Galactus is coming!
With those words, the being known as the Silver Surfer, calls his board to him and is gone from sight. The Daxamites that are gathered around will talk of this day for many cycles to come, if they live that long.
The Black Knight and Green Lantern have left their cave and are heading out across the barren landscape. The Black Knight is encased in a green energy bubble that Green Lantern has created using his power ring.
Green Lantern: So where are we going? We've been flying for awhile now and I haven't seen so much as a blade of grass, much less civilization.
Black Knight: Like I told you, we are going to check out some puffs of smoke I saw over that ridge. Look there.
Green Lantern: Oh my…!
The two stunned heroes look over the ridge and see what can only be described as a medieval castle made of solid gold! It stands 1000 ft high and 500 ft across. Hundreds of silver and gold flags wave in the dry, hot breeze.
Green Lantern (landing in front of a giant draw gate): That is the coolest castle I have ever seen! This is great! I bet this stuff is right up your alley, huh? Do you think that there is a beautiful maiden inside who needs to be rescued?
Black Knight: There is most definitely a maiden inside, but I think we might need to be rescued from her.
Green Lantern: What do you mean?
With that the huge gate begins to lower…quickly!!!
Black Knight (shoving Green Lantern out of the way): Move!!
The gate comes down and seems to shake the landscape for several minutes. The dust that is stirred up surrounds the two men, blocking their vision. When their eyes clear…
Green Lantern (walking into the castle foyer): Thanks for the save. Wow! What is this place?
Black Knight: It is a place that I thought I'd never see again, or rather one I HOPED I'd never see again.
Morgan Le Fey (from inside castle): Now, now Sir Wayne, I thought you couldn't wait to see me?
The two men look and see one of the most beautiful women that they have ever even dreamed of leaning against a gold and silver lined staircase. She is dressed in all green with black and gold highlights throughout her dress.
Green Lantern: Who are you?
Morgan Le Fey: I am Morgan Le Fey and I bid you two warriors welcome, not only, to my humble castle…but to your deaths!
With that, Morgan waves her hands, bolts of mystic energy strike down the two heroes, and they are knocked unconscious.
Morgan Le Fey: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! It sure took my mortal enemy, the Black Knight, long enough to find me. I had almost given up hope.
Darksied (stepping from a nearby shadow): I thought I had told you to have more faith. The heroes from Earth will always…always find us. The trick is to have a plan when they do. Now have the Juggernaut gather up these…heroes and throw them in the dungeon with the rest. I have more PLANS to make.
From a nearby room, the unstoppable Juggernaut comes and grabs the two heroes as if they where no more than rag dolls and heads for the dungeon.
Reed Richards: Damn, again! I still can't fix this!
Reed (to self): Now, who would that be at this hour? I wasn't expecting company.
Reed opens the door and is stunned to see Susan Luthor standing there.
Sue: Reed, can I come in?
Reed: Of..course, Sue. Please come in.
Sue: Thank you.
Reed: Have you been crying?
Sue: It's my brother, Johnny. He just disappeared. I tried to get Lex to help but he started yelling at me and you are the only one who has ever been there for me. Reed, please help me find Johnny.
Reed (hugging Sue): Of course I'll help. (kissing her on the forehead) I'll do all I can.
The two ex-lovers look into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity. They can fell the unstoppable gravitation pull of each of their lips moving ever so closer together. Their lips touch. All the pain and problems of the past are melted away by the heat of their passion.
Outside the lab, inside a van parked across the street. The industrial spy/terrorist known as Spymaster is getting this all on film for his boss…Lex Luthor.
Join me in issue #3 where we will answer the following…What/who are Morgan Le Fey and Darksied "planning" for ? What does Luthor have in store for Reed and Sue? What is Daxam going to do now that they know Galactus is coming? Can I possibly fit another sub-plot into this title? All I can say now is Issue 3 is going to be the bomb!!!
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