Tales of the Marvel/DC Universe
"In Brightest Day and with Darkest Knight"
Story and Script by: Richard Gutierrez
It's a brisk fall morning outside of Radu's coffee shop and newsstand. Inside, young Johnny Storm is sitting in his usual chair at his usual table drinking he usual flavored coffee, Hot-n-Spicy. He’s reading his usual newspaper the Daily Bugle, and in particular the headline, "Avengers Battle the Masters of Evil".
Johnny (to self): Wow! Look at these pictures! Captain America deflecting Mr. Freeze's cold ray. The Flash running circles around Goliath. Nightwing punching Baron Zemo! POW! Why can't things like this happen to me? I get up every morning and go to "work" at my brother in law's company, LexCorp. I shouldn't even call it work. I sit in a desk all day and throw pencils at the ceiling. Borrrring. The only good thing about it, is that as long has my sister, Sue, is married to Lex Luthor he'll pay me very well. But how I'd love to have an adventurous lifestyle. Battling along side the Avengers or the Justice League. Nothing exciting ever happens to...me?
As the young man finishes his thought, a masked gunman rushes the shop and fires a shot into the air.
Gunman: Alright everyone! On the floor, now! You behind the register, fill this bag. Quickly!
The gunman throws the bag at Radu, the owner of the coffee shop, and he quickly begins to fill it.
Johnny (to self): I've got to do something. Radu's is the only place I can get the kind of coffee I like. What would Nightwing do? Hmmm..I'll wait till the gunman turns to leave and I'll jump him.
Radu finishes filling the bag and the gunman grabs it. As he turns to leave, Johnny leaps from his table and tackles the man. The two somersault into a backroom of the coffee shop and crash into a steel rack stocked with of bags of coffee beans.
Johnny (holding his head): Okay that was smart.
Gunman (pointing his gun at Johnny): No, that was stupid.
Johnny (grabs a nearby broom handle): I'm not scared of you. This is the kind of thing I live for. Bring it on.
He swings the broom handle with all the confidence he can muster and knocks the gun free from the gunman's hand.
Gunman: Oww! You'll pay for that.
The gunman runs at Johnny and the two crash through the back door and land in the alley behind the shop.
Johnny (landing on his back): Argh!
The gunman staggers to his feet and runs away.
Johnny (to self): Ok, that really wasn't such a good idea. I feel like my head is going to explode! My back feels like Thor pelted it with his hammer. Man, here I was wishing something exciting would happen and when it does, POW, I get knocked on my....
Before he can finish, a strange green light envelops the alleyway. The light momentarily blinds the Johnny Storm.
Johnny (shielding his eyes): What the...?!?
Johnny watches in amazement as a little blue man appears before him.
Little blue man: Hello there my friend. There is no need to be afraid. My name is Ganthet and I have something for you. Let us away.
Johnny sits in shock, as Ganthet waves his hands and the two are taken out of the alley and next appear on top of a mountain some distance away.
Johnny(scrambling to his feet): Where am I? How did I get here? Who are you?
Ganthet: We are on Earth, the Appalachian Mountains. I brought you here. I told you already, my name is ...
Johnny : I know. I know. Your name is Ganthet. But why have you brought me here? You said you had something for me.
Ganthet (reaching in his pocket): That I do, young Johnny Storm. I have your dreams.
Ganthet reaches into his pocket and pulls out a green, silver, and white ring. Johnny has never seen anything quite like it.
Ganthet (handing the ring to Johnny): Here, put it on.
As Johnny puts on the ring, a million images suddenly flood his mind. He sees distant stars. Tremendous battles. Thousands of other "little blue men". A huge two-toned purple being with a silvery companion "surfing" the spaceways. Thousands of other ring bearers battling this being. He hears the name "Green Lantern" over and over.
Johnny (dazed by the images): "Green Lantern"? What's a "Green Lantern"?
Ganthet : Why, you are, Johnny Storm of Earth. You are the new Green Lantern of sector 2814. Enjoy.
And with that, the little blue man known as Ganthet flies off leaving a stunned Johnny Storm standing on the side of a mountain.
Johnny : Wait! Where are you going? Get back here! Ah, it's no use he's gone. How am I supposed to get home? I can't fly, can I?
Just then, Johnny finds himself surrounded by green energy and floating in the air.
Johnny (Yelling): I can fly! I can fly!! Yahoo!! This is the bomb!! I feel like Superman! Yahooooo!!! I’ve got to get back home and show Sue. She'll love this.
And with that, the young man heads back to New York without a thought as to what this ring will mean to him, his sister, his brother-in-law, and the rest of the Earth. It has been said, "be careful what you wish for". Well, Johnny Storm has just gotten what he wished for. Maybe next time he'll count his blessings.
A battle has broken out between The Titans (Justice, Firestar, Argent, Cyborg, Impulse, Shazam, and Wolfsbane) and the Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Mentallo, Goliath, Titanium Man, Mirror Master, Radioactive Man, Cheetah, and Mister Freeze). The two sides have been fighting for what seems like hours...
Justice (grabbing Mirror Master with his telekinesis): What made you guys think the Titans would let you escape after the Avengers brought you in yesterday?
Mirror Master (disappearing from sight): Your own stupidity. You thought you had me but all you have is a mirror construct. You'll have to try again.
Shazam punches Titanium Man and causes him to smash into a nearby building.
Mister Freeze (lowering his ray gun Wolfsbane): I take no joy in doing this to you my young friend, but I will not let you stop us.
Mister Freeze fires his gun and freezes Wolfsbane in a block of ice.
Wolfsbane (through the ice): Help...!
Mister Freeze : No one can help you now.
Firestar : Don't count on it Freeze.
Firestar flies down and uses here ability to control microwave emissions to melt the ice around Wolfsbane, freeing her. Then she turns and fires a blast at Freeze.
Mister Freeze (on fire): Nooo!!! Put it out! I can't survive the heat!!! Help me!
Impulse (running ): I'll probably hate myself tomorrow but I was getting tired listening to you talk.
Impulse runs around Freeze and draws all the flames and heat away from his body and disperses it. After that is complete, he delivers a series of high speed punches to the dazed Freeze. Mister Freeze falls unconscious.
Impulse (blowing on his fist ): Not bad for a kid that "the Flash" dismissed as a...what did he say ... oh yea, he called me "the undisciplined, un-trainable speedster". Well, Wally, train that.
Impulse throws his fist in the air just long enough to see a large shadow surrounding him. He looks up and sees the bottom of the size changing Goliath’s foot racing down on him.
Impulse : Aw man.
Goliath slams his massive foot down. It sends shock waves down the street causing nearby building to crumble from the force.
Goliath (looking down smiling): Take that.
Impulse (running up the side of Goliath's leg): Take what? I had enough time to go to the Superburger and get a Superburger with cheese, a large fry, and a large Dark Knight shake but I spilled it on the way back here to kick your butt. So now I’m mad!
In a nearby alleyway, Baron Zemo watches from the sidelines.
Baron Zemo (to self): This is not going well. I just need a break in the action long enough so I can make good our escape. My group is nowhere near ready to take on the Titans after yesterday's defeat at the hands of the Avengers. There's also the JLA to worry about. How long before they decide to join in. Heroes. This world has too many heroes. There seems to be enough heroes for 2 worlds!
Just then, as if in answer to Zemo's silent request, a bright light engulfs him and his team and they are transported away.
Argent (dazed): What happened? One minute I'm fighting that Cheetah woman. Next, nothing.
Cyborg: Yeah, I know. Any idea leader man?
Justice : None, Cyborg. I don't even think the Masters were expecting it . They looked as surprised as we did.
Shazam: Golly, I wonder if the Avengers will be mad cause we let them get away?
Cyborg : "Golly"? Shazam you sound more "whitebread" than Impulse over there.
Impulse: Hey, did someone say "whitebread", cause I'm hungry. I say let's go get something to eat. I know this great place in Central City. You can get a thick burger and the fries are great! I can be there and back in no time. Lets go.
Impulse runs off. The other Titans stand around and look at each other. Impulse comes back.
Impulse (chewing some food): That hit the spot. What kept you guys? Where to now?
Firestar (to Justice): What do you think that light was?
Justice : I don't know, but I wish I did.
Be careful Justice, your wish will come true very soon indeed.
Johnny Storm has just returned to the high rise tower that he and his sister call home, Lexcorp Tower. As he nears the building he looks down and sees a familiar face leaving.
Johnny : Hey, that looks like Reed. Poor guy. He looks so rejected. Like someone took his heart and placed in a blender and hit puree’. He's been after my sister for years. They were an item back in college but after our dad died Sue left school to handle the family business. Shortly after that, LexCorp bought the company and Lex and Sue were married. Reed threw himself into his scientific work. He comes around every once and awhile with flowers and candy to try and get her back, but no luck. The sad thing is, I really think that my sister loves him and not Lex.
Johnny lands behind the building and takes the elevator up to the penthouse suite. As the doors open into the lush suite, Johnny sees his sister placing some flowers in a vase.
Sue: Hi Johnny. How was your day?
Johnny (smiling): My day was like...this.
He wills the ring to create a bouquet of flowers and places them in front of Sue.
Sue (startled): Johnny, what's this? What's that on your finger?
Johnny :It's called a ring and a little blue guy named Ganthet gave it to me. Isn't cool? I can create things, anything I can imagine. The flowers were easy. I can create a car...a boat...a girl... Anything. Oh, did I mention, I can fly too! Sweet.
As Johnny goes on and on about his ring and the things it can do, Lex Luthor is standing in the shadows watching his brother in law take green energy and shape it to his will. Lex begins to think what shapes he could make with HIS will.
Sue :Johnny, isn't it dangerous?
Johnny : Sue, don't call me Johnny, it's Green Lantern now. I don't quite know why yet but that's what the little guy called me. So that's who I am. I'm Green....
Just then, a bright light engulfs the young Green Lantern and he is gone.
Sue : Johnny...what happened ? Johnny !!
Green Lantern : ...Lantern ? What? Sue, where are you? Forget that where am I?
Green Lantern looks around and sees a barren landscape.
Green Lantern: I've got to get to find a way out of here.
Just as he starts to fly away...
Mystery Man : Not so fast young man. You've got some questions to answer.
Green Lantern turns around and sees a man holding an "ebony black" sword in his hand at Green Lantern's throat. . He's dressed like a medieval knight and looks like he hasn't shaved or bathed in weeks.
Green Lantern : What the..? Who are you?
Mystery Man : I am called the Black Knight, and I will know how you came to be here. I have been stranded here for quite sometime and you will tell me how you got here, or die!
What has happened to the Black Knight? What power has brought Green Lantern to this place? What happened to the Master's of Evil? Find out in 4 short weeks.
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