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Tales of a Marvel DC Universe #6 "Doomsday for All"
Story and Script by: Richard Gutierrez
Story contains characters and names ™ and © Marvel Entertainment Group or DC Comics INC.
All rights reserved
. Young Johnny Storm has just returned from an adventure that most kids wouldn’t dare dream of. Just a heartbeat ago he was in the farthest reaches of space fighting to save a planet that was about to be consumed by the planet devouring Galactus. He had the smallest amount of time to enjoy his victory when he was sent back to Earth. Now, he finds himself in the middle of a stampeding crowd on a downtown street in Metropolis.Voice from Crowd 1: AHHH! Help me! It’s destroying everything!
Voice from Crowd 2: My baby! My baby!
Voice from Crowd 3: Did you see what it did to the Planet Building?
Voice from Crowd 4: Forget that…did you see what it’s doing to the
Titans?Amongst all the chaos, Johnny Storm, a.k.a. Green Lantern, looks around and can see flames and smoke coming from out of the Daily Planet building.
Green Lantern: (to self) I don’t know what’s going on here but I’ve got to go and check it out. What…?
Johnny tries to use his ring, the source of his Green Lantern power, to fly toward the panic, but his ring is very low on energy and prevents him.
Green Lantern: (to self) I forgot. All that time in space drained my ring. Guess it’s time for a recharge.
With that, Johnny holds the ring against his belt buckle, which he fashioned out of his battery, and says…
Green Lantern: In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evils’ might, beware my power…Green Lantern’s light!
Now with his ring at full power, Johnny speeds off toward the battle.
Green Lantern: What could have caused all this? All these buildings are destroyed! And look over there, in the rubble…it’s
Impulse and Wolfsbane from the Titans! I’ve got to see if they are all….offf!WHAM!!!
Johnny is cut off in mid sentence when he is hit by the hurled mutant,
Firestar. The momentum of the collision sends the two crashing against a nearby building. Green Lantern is able to shield himself from the brunt of the impact.WHAM!!!
Johnny slowly tries to get to his feet…
Green Lantern: What hit me? She looks like … it is. It’s Firestar from the Titans! Oh man. She looks out of it! Her costume is all ripped to shreds and I can't tell if she’s breathing! I’ve got to round up her and the others and get them to a hospital.
As Johnny quickly gathers up the downed
Titans, a finally gets a view of the battle itself. He looks and sees the remaining Titans, the mutant telekinetic Justice, the alien hybrid Argent, Cyborg the teenage man-machine, and the mightiest mortal Shazam! Battling side by side with members of the Fantastic Four, Wonder Man, Black Canary, Firestorm and Changeling. He sees the 8 heroes fighting a huge beast with what look like bones growing out from all over it’s body.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Green Lantern: Wow! Look at them go! Well, it looks like I’ll have plenty of time to drop these guys off and get back to find out what happened.
Green Lantern then scoops up the injured and drops them off at a nearby hospital. He leaves and heads back to the battle. He’s shocked to only see Wonderman, Justice, and Shazam still battling the brute. The others are all knocked out and their bodies have been tossed around like little rag dolls.
Green Lantern: How the….? I was only gone a max of 3 minutes and there are only 3 left! Well, not anymore. Lets see what this creature can do against a Green Lantern!
The Green Lantern focuses all his will power into his ring, surrounds the creature in a large green tinted steel cage, and hoists it several feet into the air.
Wonderman: (looking skyward, voice very strained) What…who…who are you?
Green Lantern: I’m called Green Lantern and I’m here to help. What’s this guy's story?
Doomsday (inside the cage): ARRRGGHH!!
Justice: We don’t know. All of a sudden it just appeared during morning rush hour in downtown Metropolis and started destroying any and everything in its path yelling "Doom! Doom!"
Shazam: Yea! The Titans showed up first but we weren’t able to stop it.
Doomsday (inside the cage): ARRRGGHH!!
Wonderman: The FF was in town and we responded to the problem as quickly as we could.
Green Lantern: Well it looks like I showed up just in the nick of time. I was able to get your fallen friends to a nearby hospital and get back here to help.
Doomsday (inside the cage): ARRRGGHH!!
Justice: I just thought of something. I tried to hold the beast in a TK bubble when I first got here and he quickly busted out. How are you able to hold him?
Green Lantern: I don’t know….argh….its…trying….to break…free!!!
Doomsday (breaking out of the cage): ARRRGGHH!!
The gathered heroes look on stunned as Green Lantern falls to the ground unconscious and the creature lands with a thud on the asphalt.
Shazam: Good Golly!
Wonderman: I hope you guys are ready for round two.
Superman (from above): I hope you don’t mind some help.
The gathered look skyward and see Superman, Batman, The Beast, Aquaman, Black Panther, The Scarlet Witch, Iceman, and Nova, collectively known as The Justice League, landing on the rubble strewn downtown street.
Doomsday (charging at Justice): DOOOOOMMM!!!!ARRRGGHH!!
Justice: AAARGGG!!
Justice is impaled by one of the charging beast’s "bone protrusions" in the abdomen. The pain is unbearable and Justice passes out.
Batman: (from inside his bat jet) Wanda, throw a hex quickly!
Wanda, a.k.a. The Scarlet Witch, uses her mutant power to tap into the "chaos" energy around an object, directs her powers at the stampeding monster.
Scarlet Witch (straining): Batman I’m trying. But the creature is surrounded by too much chaos energy and my power is having no effect!
Doomsday, with Justice still impaled through the abdomen, crashes into a nearby 10-story building causing it to begin to crumble and shake.
Beast: Great Scott! We’ve got to do something.
Batman: (from inside his bat jet) Iceman see if you can wedge some ice inside that building to keep it up long enough for T’Challa, the Beast, Nova, and Shazam to search it for any bystanders that might be trapped inside. Superman, Aquaman, Wonderman, and The Scarlet Witch see if you can find the creature and Justice in all that mess. I’m radioing the hospital to come and get our fallen and telling the police to stay out of our way.
With that the Justice League, Wonderman, and Shazam move as a well-oiled machine and follow the Dark Knights orders.
Meanwhile on the far side of the country outside the desert town of Tempe, Arizona, the quiet of the early morning is broken by a sonic boom that rattles windows and nerves for miles around
A rather large space "capsule" has crashed in the desert. The only witnesses are the snakes and cactus that dot the barren landscape. As the creatures look on, they see what appears to be a large door swing open from the still smoking craft. The sound of the metal door crashing against the side of the craft sends the desert denizens scurrying away.
Hal Jordan (popping his head from the craft): Well, any landing you can walk away from…
Donna Troy-Stark (slapping him on the leg, from inside the craft): Ha ha very funny Hal. Why don’t you move those tight buns of yours so we can get out of here before this thing explodes.
Sue Luthor: Reed the sensors indicate that we’re…home. Reed we made it back!
Reed Richards: That’s wonderful daring! Absolutely…
Donna Troy-Stark: What was that?
Reed Richards: It’s the fuel line. There’s a leak. Everybody out!
As the quartet quickly tries to escape the craft, it explodes in a red and orange colored cloud of heat and flame.
As the echo of the explosion disappears, the first to stir is Hal Jordan, test pilot.
Hal Jordan: (slowly getting to his feet) What happened? Donna? Donna!
Instinctively Hal calls out for the love of his life, Donna Troy-Stark. Even though she is married to the multi-billionaire Tony Stark, he cannot help his feelings for her.
Donna Troy-Stark: (reaching out for Hal) Hal…help me. My arms feels…numb.
Hal Jordan: It’s ok baby. I’ve got you.
Hal makes his way over to the sprawled out body of Donna. Her arms are badly mauled and bloody. Hal reaches down and begins to cradle her body.
Hal Jordan: (sobbing) Don’t you leave me! Don’t you leave me! Reed! Sue! Anyone…help me. Donna’s hurt bad!
Nearby the body of Sue Storm slowly regains consciousness.
Sue: Aah! I’m coming Hal.
Sue slowly crawls toward her two friends, when her scents of smell and sight are assaulted by the blazing body of her lover Reed.
Sue: Reed no! Nooo!
Sue’s agony is so intense that it causes an extreme amount of adrenaline to be released into her body and a shower of ice erupts from her hands covering Reed’s smoldering body!
Sue: Oh my God! What did I just do?
Sue looks on as the ice she’s unleashed hits Reed’s body. The sudden application of cool ice against his red-hot body quickly turns the ice into hot steam.
Sue: (reaching through the intense heat to grab Reed’s arm) Reed, darling? Please be…ok?
Despite the heat generated by the steam, she touches her lovers arm. As she touches his arm,
She notices her fingers slowly seep into his skin. She quickly pulls her hand away and the impressions of her fingers can be clearly seen in his arm.
Sue: Reed what happened to us? I’m launching ice from my fingers and your skin…your skin is so flexible.
Reed: (voice is very raspy) I…don’t know…my love. But I will find…out.
Reed and Sue look at his arms and legs and gasp as they realize that he’s been stretched out to a length of almost 4 feet!
Hal: Sue! Reed! Help me. Donna seems to be fading fast! I need to get her to a …
The two stunned partners look on as Hal is engulfed in a "cloak" of darkness and disappears with Donna in his arms.
Back in Metropolis, the battle between the heroes and the monster named Doomsday is heating up. The heroes have entered the building that just seconds ago was the smashed into by the monster
.Nova: (leading a group of workers onto the fire escape) T’Challa have you ever seen destruction like this before?
Black Panther: (Helping a security guard from a pile of desks) Only when Black Manta teamed with Namor and they lead an invasion force into downtown Manhattan. They destroyed the statue of Liberty and killed many before we were able to free Namor from mind control.
Beast: (Lifting a young lady off the ground) That was all way before your time young Rider.
Shazam: Come on guys lets hurry and get these guys out of here so we can get back to the fight.
The 3 give Shazam a quick glance. They realize the severity of the situation and the danger that the creature presents. He has already severely injured at least 8 of their friends and colleagues with no hint that he can be stopped.
Shazam: What? What do I say?
The other heroes have gathered outside the building and have begun their search for the mammoth monster and his latest victim, Justice.
Wonderman: (flying around to the other side of the building) Guys I’ve found Justice.
Wonderman lands next to the lifeless body of the young mutant named Vance Astro, a.k.a. Justice. The others quickly arrive on the scene and an eerie silence encompasses the group.
Scarlet Witch: (leaning down to check for a pulse) I’m sorry…he’s gone.
The heroes bow their heads and, each in their own way, say a pray for the fallen Justice.
Wonderman: That monster is mine!
Scarlet Witch: Simon, wait!
But the lovely Wanda Maximoff’s words go unheard by the ion-charged being known as Wonderman.
Superman: Wanda, give Batman a call and have him sweep down and take Vance’s body away from the field, we don’t need any reporters or media showing up and pasting his image all over the news before we can notify his family. Everyone else, this just got personal for all of us but we have to control our anger and keep a level head. Now let’s go.
Superman’s words seem to calm the masses, at least for now. They quickly head off after Wonderman, who’s flying in the direction of several more office building where Doomsday is literally bringing the house down.
Wonderman: (flying at the behemoth) I’ve got your doom right here!
The force of the impact sends both beings traveling through 3 more building before their momentum is broken half way through a fourth.
Wonderman: (regaining his footing) That was for Justice you…big…ugly…looking…creature?
As Wonderman taunts the creature, Doomsday unleashes a devastating back hand that sends Wonderman flying backwards across the city and he plunges unconscious into the Metropolis River.
Scarlet Witch: We’ve go to save Simon!
The Beast: He’ll be ok. Remember his made of ionic energy and he doesn’t need to breathe so he won’t drown. Besides, I think it’ll take more than a little tap to hurt him. (to self) I hope.
Aquaman: This can’t go on we’re down to just a hand full and there seems no stopping the monster.
Superman: I know but we have to try. We need to get him out of the city and into the open land of the county. It’s times like this I with Diana was still around?
Batman: This is no time to lament over lost loves and lost opportunities, focus on the task at hand. Shazam, you and Superman each grab the creature by the arm and take him out of the city. Keep him busy while I place a couple calls.
Shazam: No problem.
The duo of Superman and Shazam, a teaming of two of the universes most powerful, each grab an arm and hoist Doomsday into the air and quickly take him from the city.
Batman: (from inside his bat jet) Oracle come in. We’ve got a situation outside Metropolis. Get on the wire and notify all the super-powered beings you can find.
Oracle: (from her computer filled room in Gotham) I’ve been monitoring the battle and I was getting ready to send out the call just before you contacted me.
Batman: Good thinking. I’ll be in touch.
Oracle: Oracle out.
The human information system named Oracle quickly sends out the call to arms…
Avengers Mansion – New York City
Captain America
and Nightwing are going through the paces of a training exercise, when…Captain America: (throwing shield) Very Good, son. I can tell you’ve been well trained.
Nightwing: (dodging the shield) Only by the best.
Javis: (over the loud speaker) Sirs, sorry to interrupt, but Oracle says that a battle has broken out outside Metropolis and the Avengers are need.
Captain America: (catching the returning shield) Well, my friend, give the call…Avengers Assemble!
Several miles away, in the bar/restaurant known as Warriors…
Guy Gardner: (wiping clean the bar area) This place was the best idea I’ve had in a loooong time. Well, not as good as me ditching those old farts in the Justice League, but still…good.
Guy Gardner: Who’s callin' me at this time of day? Hello, Warriors home of the studly owner Guy…
Oracle: Shut up Guy. There’s a situation in Metropolis that needs you and your…friends attention.
Guy Gardner: Oh yea! It’s about time the JL came crawling to me to help! Oh I’ll get my friends and I’ll be right there. Definitely. You can count…
Oracle: Just shut up and move it!
Guy Gardner: She wants me…wants me bad.
Across the country, at the mountain top headquarters of The Defenders…
The leader of the Defenders, Scott Summers a.k.a. Cyclops, is talking to his wife Heather Hudson-Summers, the Defender known as Guardian, about their upcoming anniversary, when…
Guardian: Oh, Scott I can’t believe that it’s going to be 2 years since we got married.
Cyclops: I know what you mean. It seems like only yesterday that I left the X-Men and traveled the countryside. Little knowing that I’d find you and all the others.
As the couple leans in for a kiss…
Superboy: (barging in the room) Scott! Heather! Come quick, Oracle’s on the line and she says there’s a problem in Metropolis! A creature has attacked and it looks like Justice is already dead!
Cyclops: OK. Round up the others and tell Oracle we are on our way.
End of Issue 6
Next issue: Can the might of Superman and Shazam hold off Doomsday long enough for the rest of the Justice League to arrive? Can they survive long enough for the Defenders, The Warriors, and The Avengers to arrive? What happened to Reed, Sue, Hal, and Donna? Face it if you miss issue 7 … you’ll never know
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