Gotham Knights: featuring Batman and Robin:
"Obsession" part 1 of 2
Story and Script by: Richard Gutierrez
Batman, and all prominent characters, TM and © copyright DC Comics INC. 1998, all rights reserved
Gotham City. Friday January 7th, 1999 2:11 am
The frigid wind blows and whistles through the streets and between the massive buildings of Gotham City. It drives the denizens of the city inside their homes. For the only thing worse than the crime in Gotham, is the Gotham winter.
A young woman named Robyn Kelly doesn’t care about any of this. She is standing high atop a building in the freezing temperatures dressed on a long trenchcoat with red gloves and bots, with one and only one thought on her young troubled mind…
Robyn (to self): This is it I’m…going to do it. Just keep telling yourself…this is what you want. This is what you’ve planned for. It’ll only take a second.
Then out of the corner of her eye she sees a form swinging in between the building.
Robyn (to self): Ok…now.
With that she jumps off the 40-story building and plummets to a certain death.
Robyn: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (to self) This was a bad idea!!!!
Just as she is about to hit the hard concrete, a slender, but strong, arm scoops her up and she is swinging back up into the air. She opens her eyes and sees a face that is a couple of years younger that she is.
Robin: Everything will be OK. Just relax I’ll have you on the ground in no time.
She sees the young man named Robin. One half of the dynamic duo. The capped crusader, who along with his partner Batman, have saved this city several times over.
Robyn(looking up at Robin): Thank you.
Robin lands gently on the ice-covered ground. He looks at the young woman and can’t help himself but see how gorgeous she is. Her long flowing red hair. He sees how her trench coat seems to hug her more that drape over her. He finds himself wishing he was her coat!
Robin (reaching out to Robyn): Why were you going to jump? Is there something I could do for you?
Robyn (quickly turning toward him): Yea, you can leave my man and me…alone.
Robin: What…?
Robyn pulls out a canister of pepper spray and squirts it into the boy wonder’s eyes.
She reaches over and grabs a nearby 2X4 and bashes him on the head.
Snapping the board in half! Robin falls to the wet snow limp and unmoving.
Robyn: Hmmph! Little bird you weren’t that tough. To think my man chooses to hang out with you, when he could be with me. Well after tonight, that will all change.
Robyn picks up the unconscious boy wonder and disappears into the night.
Much Later…
Robin (slowly waking up): Where…am…I?
The Boy Wonder looks around to try and get his bearings. He sees that he is in a tank of water probably at the Gotham docks due to the distinct sounds that carry in the night air. He feels that his hands and feet are tied behind his back and his utility belt is missing. The water is up to his chin and he can feel his knees rubbing against the bottom of tank.
Robyn: You are exactly where I want you.
Robin looks up and sees the woman that he saved standing in front of him wearing a very sexy version of his Robin costume. For a second he forgets that he is tied up.
Robin: What do you want from me?
Robyn: I want you to leave my man alone.
Robin: That’s the second time you’ve said that to me…who’s “your man”?
Robyn: Don’t play coy with me. You know who my man is…The Batman.
Robin(trying to hold back the laughter): Excuse…hmph… me? Did you say The Batman?
Robyn: Yes I did. Batman is the perfect man. (her eyes brighten up and her body language changes and seems to become lighter) He’s always there to help you if you need it. Never tries to take advantage of you like the other men…PIGS! Doesn’t judge if you dress a little differently than the others.
Robin (to self): I think this girl has lost it. (out loud) How do you know Batman?
Robyn(kneeling down to the side of the tank): I remember it as if it was yesterday, it was this past summer. I just moved to Gotham and was just starting school. One night me and some girl friends of mine where out clubbing. Somehow during the evening, we got separated. I went looking for them and end up down the darkest alley I’ve ever seen. These 4 guys came out of no where and started to attack me. They where ripping off my clothes and holding me down…then he came to my rescue. He swooped down and defended me from the attackers. After he finished, he tied the guys up and wrapped me up in his cape to keep me warm. He got me some clothes and found my friends for me. As he was leaving, we locked eyes for a second and I could tell that he felt the same about me as I did him.
Robin: Riiight.
Robyn: Shut up! I know he wants me, but a woman for that kind of man needs to be strong and self-reliant. So, I’ve spent the last several months training to become his partner.
Robin: His partner? I’m sorry to break this to you…but I’m his partner.
Robyn: That’s why I needed to take you out of the picture. I threw myself off that building just to get close to you. Know if you’ll excuse me…me and my man have a date.
Robyn kicks over a barrel of crude oil and it pours into the water in the tank. She lights a match and throws it into the tank and walks away. The oil catches on fire and Robin is surrounded.
Robin (to self): This could be a problem.
A little later across town…
A man walks down the street and is snatched into a dark alley.
Mugger: Hey man! Give me your wallet.
Man: Please don’t hurt me!
Mugger: Give me your wallet and I won’t.
Batman: Leave the man alone and I won’t hurt you.
The two men look up and see Batman kneeling on the fire escape.
The mugger runs one way, the man the other way. Batman goes after the mugger when he sees the familiar Bat symbol against the night sky. As he heads of for Police headquarters, as “blindly” throws two of his Batarangs with a line attached to them. One of the Batarangs swings around a fire escape ladder and the other swings around the fleeing muggers legs. The mugger was running full speed and the sudden stop causes him to slam into the hard floor of the alleyway, knocking him out.
As Batman arrives at Police Headquarters…
Batman: Commissioner Gordon…Jim?
Robyn (walking from behind the Bat Symbol Light): The old man’s not here, sweetheart.
Batman: Who’s there? So yourself now!
Robyn: I’ll show you what ever you want.
Batman: Who are you?
Robyn: Isn’t it obvious…I’m Robyn.
Batman looks on, as the young red haired female doesn’t so much walk, as glide into view. He is momentarily taken back by her beauty…but only momentarily.
Batman: I don’t have time for this…the bat symbol isn’t a toy.
Robyn (touching Batman on the shoulder): Please don’t be angry with me. I just needed to see you…to touch you…to kiss you.
As Robyn leans into to kiss him, Batman backs away.
Batman: I suggest you leave, if the police find out about this you will be arrested.
Robyn: What’s the matter am I ugly? I just want to be your partner…in more ways than one. Why do you run with that little boy…when you could be running with me? Please tell me it’s not because you like…
Batman: That is enough out of you Miss! You have 5 seconds to leave or I take you in. 1 – 3 …
Robyn: If you take me in you’ll never know where the Joker is keeping your "Boy Wonder".
Batman: What do you mean?
Robyn: I called you here to help you save Robin’s life. The Joker escaped from Arkham tonight and captured Robin and is holding him in the docks.
Batman: And you know this how?
Robyn: I…ran into Robin earlier this evening…to try and get some pointers to be a better partner for you. As I was leaving, the Joker showed up and captured him.
Batman: (to self) I haven’t been able to raise Tim on his intercom for the last couple of hours. I was on my way to find him. (out loud) Thanks for your help. Now…go home.
Robyn: I want to help.
Batman: No.
With that, Batman fires his grabbling hook and swings in the direction of the docks.
Robyn (to self): No. I can’t believe it! I spent all that time training to get close to him and he rejects me. No way! I’ll show him that he just made the biggest mistake of his life. But how…hmmmm…I know. I said that the Joker had escaped…will I think it’s time to make that fib a reality.
Back at the docks…
Robin: (to self) These flames are really starting to get to me. I can’t go under the water cause there’s not enough room to swim to the side…even if my hands and feet weren’t tied together. I can’t believe I survived Two-Face, The Joker, Bane, Killer Croc and so many more just to by done in by a red head with a crush on Batman! She was cute though. Wait a minute, she tied my hands with rope. If I angle my wrist close to the flame…Yes they caught on fire! Now a little strength…and…I’m free. Of course my gloves are on fire but dunking them in the water underneath the blazing oil will put them out. OK now to just untie my feet and a strong leap…and I’m out. (out loud) whew! Wait till I tell Batman about this.
Batman: Don’t bother I saw it myself. Where’s the Joker?
Robin: The Joker? Some freak calling herself Robyn …
Batman: …
Robin: .. captured me and went after you. She’s obsessed with you.
Batman: I know. I know let’s go back to the cave and have Alfred tend to your burns.
The two heroes swing away.
Next Issue…Robyn goes to spring the Joker!
End of Issue 1
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